Mainly beginners’ mistakes in writing happen because they lack experience. Writing is not as easy as it might seem. Sometimes it takes many hours to write a short essay. Modern students in colleges and universities regularly face challenges with their assignments.
Thanks to writing services, there is an opportunity to opt for efficient help in writing tasks. If you need assistance in writing, this review will guide you on the benefits of a professional writing service. In addition, below, you can read about some widespread misconceptions about writing that might help you understand this process better.
Myth 1. Using complicated sentences sounds professional

Frequent use of complicated and hard-to-read sentences frustrates the reader. You might think that wordy sentences make your text sound more confident, but it is not true. The truth is that ornate writing language does not give your audience a chance to get your point as they cannot follow your thoughts properly. If you want to engage readership in your writing, try to use plain language. It does not mean that reading your text will bore people. To make your article or essay shine, you can use plot twists, metaphors, and other techniques, as stated by These will fit concise sentences perfectly.
Myth 2. Only beginners in writing ask for feedback
When students, bloggers, or writers begin their writing careers, they strive to get feedback from the audience. That seems very natural at the initial stage, but the truth is professional writers ask for feedback even years into their careers. A good author seeks input from people who are considered authorities. Professional writers have a vast range of editors, supervisors, colleagues, and more. Writing is a field where you never can reach the top because of limitless possibilities for improving your skills.
Myth 3. Good writers always know what to write about
People who are unfamiliar with writing might think that a professional author always knows what to write about in their work. The truth is that from time to time, any writer faces challenges on topics and sources of inspiration. Being on the top of the creative mood 24/7 is an unreachable goal. It does not matter how skilled a writer is – frustration and lack of ideas are common things for anyone.
Another aspect related to inspiration is the openness of an author. The open-minded approach allows writers to feel okay if their mind is changing while they are writing. Sometimes they just let their thoughts flow freely and get unexpected ideas.
Myth 4. It is not acceptable to use “I” in your writings

While not totally a myth, it is not correct to follow this thought so concretely. Using many sentences with “I” can suit some categories of writing perfectly, for example, in essays that require stating the opinion of an author or in speeches. Using “I” can be appropriate when you are writing for a specific audience and in some disciplines.
Myth 5. A good writer writes very fast
The reality is the opposite, as professional writers can spend hours trying to fit a sentence to a paragraph; great writers rewrite and edit their texts many times. Professional authors use loads of drafts and have many versions of the text. They work hard, and it takes a lot of time. As Hemingway once said, he had to rewrite a page 29 times for “getting the words right.”
Myth 6. Read a lot to be a better writer
This is not completely true. However, reading is a beneficial habit. But the main thing you have to do to succeed in writing is to write more than to read. It is easy to understand symbolically. For example, if you want to succeed in running, you will not read about running, but you will train instead. The same goes for writing.
On the other side, reading special literature or thematic blogs and articles about writing can give you some useful hacks to apply to your texts. But again – practice makes sense first.
Myth 7. All good writers work only at night

This is also a myth as writers are the same as other people. Being productive is bound to being healthy for them. Good health is impossible without quality sleep. It is well-known that the sleeping process is much more effective at night. Nevertheless, some authors like working at night, but most professional writers do not sacrifice their sleep.
Myth 8. All professional writers are wealthy
This is a myth connected to peoples’ curiosity about the lives of certain authors who spend years until they finish a book. There is a thought that real writers do not attend day jobs and have sponsors, reach parents, inheritance, working spouses, etc. For some reason, it can be true, but not for all writers. Most writers also have to attend a day job to make money for a living.
Myth 9. Writing cannot be a profession
As said in the previous myth description, for some writers, there is a need to have an additional job. However, this does not mean that they aren’t professional writers. Since authors invest their time, effort, and talent into writing, in the end, it frequently becomes their profession. On the other side, for some people writing stays just a hobby forever.
Myth 10. You have to be born a writer
This myth says that no one can train themselves to write as that requires talent. The truth is you do not have to be born a writer to become one. Many good authors started their career by practicing a lot and succeeded. If you want to achieve your goals, you must take the first step. Get ready to walk an endless path of self-improvement.
These were ten common writing myths. We hope, after reading them, you will understand the writing process on a deeper level. You can check this in order to get more useful information for creating essays and other texts.