Cricket is with us for about 300 years, and during that period, its popularity is just increasing. The statistics say that it is the second most popular sport, and you can find its fans all around the world. Betting on cricket matches is not something new, but with new platforms and sports bookers, it is becoming much easier. Because of the popularity of this sport in Asia, the betting industry is booming, and making money through predictions and betting is maybe the favorite way to get some extra money. In this text, you will find out what makes betting on a cricket game that popular, and if you already know that and want to try it, check
1. Free live streaming

For cricket lovers, watching their favorite sport is something that they need to do. Online betting platforms are offering free live streaming for those who sign up with their website. Because of that, people can watch cricket wherever they are, no matter it is at work or the store. With live streaming, it is possible to replay some important moments and shots and never miss anything. Live streaming is offering live betting too, so many people are placing bets during the whole game.
2. The game
It is true that cricket is not the national game in Asia, but many people just love it. The people around Asia are watching the games together, cheer their favorite team, and cry when their team loses. On the other hand, they are celebrating every win like their own and enjoy every moment of it. The happiness is even bigger when they place a bet and win some extra money because of their team’s victory.
3. Many betting platforms

Many countries are not allowing cricket betting, but there is a catch. It is possible to access betting sites with a VPN’s help from a restricted network area, and because of that, you can place a bet whenever you like. Since it is possible to access those sites from all over the world, this type of betting is becoming more popular every day. Because of that, many platforms offer you fair odds on your favorite team, and the only thing you should do is to choose the most reliable one.
4. Best way to spend leisure time
Because of the popularity of cricket, playing or watching it is the number one activity for people in Asia. Many people are taking the day off work for that activity, and it is the best way for them to spend some extra time. Betting on cricket can fulfill this activity and make it even more interesting since there is always the possibility of winning some real money. That can be the perfect way to cash in on your cricket knowledge and have fun during that time.
5. Easy to understand

Asian people love cricket and, it is almost impossible to find a person who does not understand the rules of this game. Because of that, betting is also easy to understand since, for that, you need to know the game itself. For those who are not sure, there are a lot of data to find online, and it is enough to listen to the commentators during the match. They are talking about the game, but also about the current and the past form of the players. Besides that, there is the on-screen statistic that you can check for every bowler or batsman that enters the game. Thanks to that information, it can be easy to bet, and if you lose, just concentrate better and use it for the next time.
6. Natural breaks
Excessive online gambling can be harmful since it can create addiction. That addiction can lead to many serious problems, such as losing all the money, and eventually job or home. The good thing with cricket is the fact that its availability is limited to certain times. Besides that, there are periods without any game during the breaks between competitions, and you can use them to take a break from gambling too. It can help control online gambling activities and avoid addiction and many other problems.
7. Thrill

Watching the favorite team play is exciting in itself. It is a very emotional period, and there are many emotions during the game. If you place the bet, there are even more emotions since there is a possibility of winning some money and make their victory even bigger. In Asia, many people know only about cricket and how to make money from it, so they do not work anywhere, and it is their only source of income.
8. Simple working mechanism
Betting on cricket is very easy and effortless to carry out. The main thing is that if you keep winning money whenever you place a bet, you will continue gambling to win more and more money. On the other hand, if you lose, you will continue gambling to try to win some money or recover the lost one. That represents the continuous cycle of the game, which is possible to leverage with a better understanding of the game and concentration. It is possible to practice betting skills and make the art of it.
It is not possible to deny the popularity of cricket in Asia. Because the technology is becoming better every day, the betting platforms are becoming too. Better technology makes betting much easier than ever. The only thing you need is a stable internet connection and a smartphone or computer, and you can place a bet from the comfort of your home. It can be a perfect way to spend the extra time you have, but also to feel the excitement of winning some money while watching your favorite game and team. It can be interesting and funny, but be careful to avoid the excessive betting and the addiction that can literally ruin your life. Try to bet responsibly, and do not be afraid to ask for professional help if you need it.