Acne is nothing uncommon in all of our lives. It’s the most talked-about, irritating, and regular skin condition for many people worldwide.
It’s estimated that 85% of young adults have experienced this at least once in their lives. But acne has no age barrier; even 40 or 50-year-olds get adult acne. The development of acne depends on various little things like infections, stress, diets, hormonal changes, and genetics.
It happens when follicles or pores in our skin get blocked by dead skin cells or oil. It’s so common because the sebaceous glands excessively produce oil in the teenage years, and that’s when most of us get introduced to acne.
That oil-like thing is called sebum. When it blocks the pores, a bacteria called ‘Propionibacterium Acnes’ rapidly grows, resulting in acne. This bacteria can also cause skin inflammation. Acne can also be severe, but some common symptoms include pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, etc.
Some conventional medicines can treat acne, such as benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, niacinamide, etc. But these, in the long run, are pretty expensive and can cause unwanted side effects like irritation, redness, or skin dryness.
Many home remedies lack scientific backing, and further research on their effectiveness is needed. But if you’re looking for alternative treatments, there are some options you can try. So, here are 5 homemade remedies that can exorcize the acne-be-gone chants perfectly:
1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is a magic potion with more benefits than stars in the sky. It’s made through the fermentation of apple cider (the unfiltered juice of mashed and pressed apples). So, like all vinegar, it can fight many bacteria and fungi.
It also has organic acids that help kill off the bacteria that generate acne. In addition, the lactic and citric acid contained in ACV can also help in treating acne scars.
Some dermatologists aren’t quite sure of its benefits, though; their advice goes against ACV as it can irritate some people’s skin. But on the other hand, some naturopaths and nutritionists like back it up.
But don’t let that stop you from trying out this. Just take water and the ACV in a ratio of 3:1 (increase water if you’ve sensitive skin), cleanse your face and the acne spots with a ball of cotton, then let it rest for 15-30 seconds, and clean your face with water. You should repeat this once or twice daily to get the benefits nice and early.
Remember that ACV can burn or irritate the skin if left for a long time. So, take only a little every time and dilute the vinegar with clean water.
If you can, always use Organic, Raw, Unfiltered ACV and mix it with water to make a 5% acidity solution. Look for the ‘mother’ in the vinegar, as that will provide a plethora of enzymes, good bacteria, and proteins.
2. Zinc supplements

Zinc is a nutrient whose benefits are substantially wide in their variety, like immunity building, good metabolism, consistent hormone production, cell growth, and many other physiological developments.
Along with all the other benefits, zinc has effectively controlled inflamed acne and blemishes. And the proof comes with research and studies. So it is much more scientific than many homemade acne solutions.
The maximum recommended dose or the upper limit is 40 mg every day. So, don’t try to experiment on your own with the quantity. If any concern appears, make sure to consult a doctor. Too much zinc can result in adversity- pain in the abdomen, irritation in the gut, etc.
Another thing to keep in mind is that only formulated zinc supplements work on acne. Applying it directly on the face or skin hasn’t proven fruitful, as the absorption is almost non-existent.
Most zinc capsules contain 15 mg zinc with 2 mg copper to achieve the optimal mineral balance. You’ll need to continue for a month to know if there’s any improvement. Most of the time, there is.
3. Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is one of the most popular essential oils, renowned for its plethora of health benefits and generous use in soothing aromatherapy. There’s a small tree with the scientific name ‘Melaleuca Alternifolia’ that’s native to only one place in the world, Australia, and the oil comes through the extraction of leaves of this specific tree.
Some studies have shown that tea tree oil is even more effective than traditional medication like benzoyl peroxide. It causes much less drying skin and irritation. And as it’s completely natural, it also comes without any side effects and adds another layer of satisfaction.
Tea tree oil can be extremely effective in the long-term treatment of acne, even better than some antibiotics (oral and topical). Just remember its potency, and dilute before applying it to the skin. For example, for one part of tea tree oil, take 9 parts of water. Then, apply that solution to the acne-affected areas. And at last, add moisturizer if you want it. Keep repeating this process every day once or twice until you see improvement.
Consider using pure tea tree oil from Australia if you can. Even better if it’s sourced from Australia.
4. Fish oil supplements

Fish oil is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids that have a million benefits for the entire human body. Fish oil is full of EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid) and DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid). High DHA and EPA can reduce inflammation significantly, lessening the chances of acne.
Besides fish oil supplements, you can get Omega-3 acids by consuming specific food items such as flax seeds, chia seeds, walnuts, anchovies, sardines, salmon, etc.
For best results, consume 2000 mg of Wild Alaskan Salmon oil per serving, giving you 600 mg of Omega-3 acids. It takes a little time, but you must complete at least a month of dosage.
5. Brewer’s yeast

Brewer’s yeast or Baker’s yeast is a great option for stopping acne from coming up again and again. Hansen CBS, a special strain of baker’s yeast, has been found effective against acne when it’s consumed orally in various older and modern studies.
It heals and improves the acne condition significantly, but it takes 4-5 months to show the results. So, you’re in for a long haul.
To use this brewer’s yeast:
- Mix it with lemon juice and blend it properly.
- Cover your face with that paste and leave it for a couple of minutes.
- Clean your face with lukewarm water. You can also add this yeast to your regular diet or add it to your favorite juice.
Acne is a common problem, but for many, it’s persistent. So, you need to find solutions to keep it at bay so that it doesn’t cause anything severe. And that’s where these 5 remedies can be helpful. You can have a homemade treatment free of all side effects of prolonged heavy medication use.