Every true Star Wars enthusiast and fan has one thing in common, a great craving to have a lightsaber in their possession. Since there is a global demand for lightsabers, it means that finding the best one should be pretty easy, but you also don’t want to pay way too much for it. That is why to help you make the right decision and not spend too much, we gathered some advice on how to pick the best lightsaber for you.
What to know?
Choosing the right replica can be pretty challenging even for the biggest fans, thanks to the vast offer, but there are some things that everyone should know when making the final decision. Namely, there are many factors that dictate the price, and even though it’s great to have the most realistic replica in your possession, that is something you will have to pay a bit more.
Check the color

Fans are already familiar that lightsabers come in various colors, and each of them has its meaning. Besides red color, reserved for the dark side, and blue reserved for the light side, we have green, purple, and yellow, and each of them symbolizes different things. Although picking any of them is not wrong, learning their meaning will make that choice much easier, as everyone should make a choice based on their personal preferences and pick the one that symbolizes the values they cherish. If you are not sure which color to pick, it is good to know that some replicas have the option of color changing, which might be a perfect solution for you. Understandably, these types of lightsabers cost a bit more, so keep that in mind when making a decision.
Check the batteries
Modern replicas come with light and sound effects, which means they need some kind of batteries for their operation, so it is necessary to check whether they use classic AA batteries or have rechargeable ones before purchasing. However, you can always find a replica without effects if that is something you prefer, but in most cases, that’s not the option a true fan would be satisfied with because the sound effects, along with the color, are what makes lightsabers so unique and highly valued.
Check whether it has removable parts

One of the best tips is always to choose the lightsaber with removable parts because it is much easier to store as it will need less space. And what is even more important for real fans, it reduces the risk of breaking during packing or moving. Besides that, it’s much easier to find and buy a piece if it breaks, as there are many stores that sell them, meaning that by doing so, you will reduce the costs.
Factors that determine the price
Since there are many different lightsaber replicas on the market and there is the perfect one for each pocket, as their price depends on various factors, we will mention some of them in the text below.

Lightsabers can be made of different materials, and the more quality and durable the material are, the higher the price. For example, we can find one printed in a 3D printer and made of plastic, and there is no doubt that it will be cheaper than one made of metal. These replicas can be used for dueling, and if they are made of low-quality materials, there is no doubt they will break. So, if you want to use your lightsaber and not only keep it in a collection, always choose one made of durable materials, as it is the only way to prolong its lifespan.
Understandably, the higher the quality of the material, the more costly the replica will be, so make sure to check whether the price matches the material. That’s important because even though the price has a huge role in our decision-making, it shouldn’t be a determinative factor regarding whether we will buy something or not, as there are many ways and places to find the exact same product at a much lower price, and the same is with lightsabers. Overall, the material is of vast importance when buying a lightsaber, and you should pick one that suits your needs and preferences.
Okay, this is a simple factor regarding how pricey or valuable the replica will be, as it all depends not just on the material from which it was made but also on whether it has some specific or unique purpose. Namely, there are various designs and types, and above all, it’s also about whether you want to store a lightsaber as a part of a collection or actually use it. Another important factor that determines the price is whether the lightsaber we want to buy is just looking great or we can turn them on and hear the sound and light. Some of them even come in different colors that can easily be changed by pressing a button.
The more functions it has, the more expensive it will be, which is pretty understandable. Of course, in order to pack all those things and make a unique replica, the one as close as it can be to those used in movies, much work is needed, and that is why with every additional feature a lightsaber has the prices increases. Overall, there is no real reason not to set aside a bit more money and buy one that is as close to the original as possible because it will surely be of great quality and last for quite some time, and you can find some of the best lightsaber replicas at ziasabers.com.

Just like with features, the better and more authentic the details, the higher the price, which is why the price of some of the most authentic replicas can go up to 500 dollars. It’s what separates them from the rest, as great replicas are made by paying attention to the details and look exactly like those in the movies. There is no doubt that the more details one replica has and the more it looks real, the more money we will need to spend to have it in our collection. In the end, this is not something you buy every day, which is why setting aside some money and getting the best and most authentic high-quality lightsaber replica should be something on your to-buy list if you are already a huge fan.