Insomnia is a common complaint and one that many people experience from time to time. It makes falling asleep and also staying asleep throughout the night very difficult. The majority of people need seven hours of sleep every night and if you are having difficulty sleeping this is likely affecting your quality of life. However, there are a number of home remedies that may help to restore that healthy sleep pattern.
Below are a number of these home remedies. They will help you to take charge of your sleeping patterns and you’ll begin to enjoy life again. You may even be prompted into going for those Grande Vegas no deposit bonus codes on
Mindfulness Meditation

While sitting quietly, mindfulness meditation involves breathing slowly and steadily while observing your breathing, your body and thoughts as they slowly come up and pass on. There are many other benefits to mindfulness meditation including healthy sleep patterns. It is known to reduce stress levels, enhance concentration and improve immunity.
A study carried out in 2011 showed that meditation improved overall sleep patterns and reduced insomnia. Those involved in the study joined a weekly meditation session, participated in a full day retreat and practiced meditation at home over a few months. It is recommended that you meditate for a minimum of 15 minutes daily. Perhaps join a meditation group that meets weekly or even an online guided meditation which will help to keep you motivated.
Mantra repetition

Using positive affirmations repeatedly or repeating a mantra over and over may have a calming or focusing affect on your brain. Repeating mantras are known to aid relaxation and still the mind. A study carried out in 2015 with homeless women taught them to repeat mantras during the day and before sleep. Those participants who continued using the mantra throughout the week experienced a reduction of insomnia.
Search for the mantra which suits you and feels calming. There are many to choose from online but try to keep it simple. It should allow you to focus on the repetition of sound which will promote relaxation and help you to go to sleep. Every time your mind wanders from the mantra, gently pull your mind back and focus again. You can chant the mantra aloud or mentally.

Yoga has been found to positively effect sleep quality. Yoga that focusses on breathing and moving meditation is the better style to go for. Rather than complicated physical movements, it is better to concentrate on slow movements which promote mental focus. Two options for this style of yoga are Yin and restorative yoga. Performing these movements daily and especially before going to bed will promote relaxation.
Physical exercise

Physical exercise is beneficial for overall health, including sleep quality. A study carried out in 2015 had participants exercise for 2.5 hours each week for 6 months. It was found that the symptoms of insomnia were reduced in those who participated in the study. At the same time, it was noted that there was also a reduction in levels of anxiety and depression.
In order to reap the benefits, it is important to do moderate exercise for about 20 minutes daily. Even more helpful would be to include some aerobic or strength training exercises a few times in the week. Test out different times of day to exercise to see which has the better effect on your sleep quality.

Massage therapy has been proven to benefit people who are experiencing difficulties with sleep and also reduces feelings of anxiety and depression. Massage is something that you are able to do yourself, or have a partner or friend do, if professional massage is not really an option. Massage can help to relax and focus your mind and body. There are many online guides and techniques that will help you to find what may help you.

Magnesium is a mineral found in many of the foods we eat. It is a natural relaxant and reduces stress levels which has an impact on sleep quality. Studies have shown that taking 500 milligrams of magnesium daily over a two- month period reduces symptoms of insomnia.
Men should take up to 400 mg a day and women up to 300 mg a day. It is possible to divide the dose between morning and evening. However, be aware that magnesium can produce side effects for some people like stomach cramps and diarrhea. Start with a lower dose and see how your body responds and then gradually increase the amount. Nevertheless, magnesium supplements should not be taken on a constant basis and if you are taking any other medication, it is important to speak with your doctor about interactions.
It is also possible to add a cup of magnesium flakes to your bath water and magnesium will be absorbed into the body via your skin.
Lavender Oil

Lavender oil taken orally is said to be very effective in reducing pain, improving mood and promoting better sleep. A study carried out in 2014 had participants taking lavender oil capsules. It was found that they improved the sleep quality of those suffering with depression who were also taking anti-depressants. Levels of anxiety were also reduced which seemingly aided better sleep.
20 to 80 mg of lavender taken daily or as directed on the bottle or by a practitioner. You can also try using a lavender spray for your pillow or trying some lavender tea. Be aware that for some people lavender may cause headaches, nausea or constipation.

Melatonin will help to reduce insomnia. In a study of people with cancer and insomnia in 2015 it was seen to make a significant improvement in the quality of their sleep. However, it took between 7 and 14 days to see an improvement.
1 to 5 mg taken two hours before going to bed is recommended. Start with the lowest dose as side effects may occur like headaches, dizziness, depression, irritability, stomach cramps and waking up during the night. You short take Melatonin only for short periods of time.