Have you ever had matcha before? If not, now might be a good time to give it a go. Matcha, the healthiest beverage in the world, is one method to “go green” and help the environment. Traditional Chinese medicine utilized green tea to treat a range of illnesses, including depression, fever, and edema. Recent study has demonstrated the enormous health benefits of green tea and Matcha in particular, although not all of these claims have been independently validated. Matcha preserves all the minerals and health benefits that are normally lost in regular tea bags since the entire tea leaf is ground into a powder. This means that matcha drinkers obtain more than ten times the amount of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber than green tea consumers. Unbelievably, a serving of Matcha has more antioxidants than any other fruit or vegetable of equal weight, making it a must-try powder.
If you wish to know more about it, keep on reading!
Where can you find matcha powder online?
You should include one cup per day in your everyday routine. Make sure to check out matchaoutlet.com and find the best Japanese matcha powder! The site also offers some recipes and ways on how you can make this delicious drink yourself, by adding a lot of cool ingredients to make it even more intriguing and healthy. Check out their best sellers, all at an affordable price point.
Is Japanese matcha powder good for mood and energy boosting: top 7 reasons why you’re going to love it
1. Filled with antioxidants

Catechins which is a type of plant is present in tea and work as natural antioxidants, may be present in large concentrations in matcha. Antioxidants assist in stabilizing free radicals, which are toxic chemicals that can cause cell damage and chronic disease. Green tea is richer in catechins and antioxidants than when the leaves are just steeped in hot water. It is known that matcha contains up to 137 times more of a specific catechin than other green teas. Addition of matcha to the diet has been shown to boost antioxidant intake, which may reduce the risk of cell damage and even chronic disease.
2. Speeds up your metabolism
The capacity of matcha tea to increase the body’s metabolic rate is merely one of its many benefits. It is also a perk that many gym-goers appreciate. If your metabolism is revved up, you will feel better, have more energy, and absorb more nutrients from the food you eat. This will assist you in maintaining your target weight or optimum number, as well as looking good both inside and out. It is also possible that you are the only person who knows that matcha tea can help you lose weight, so why not inform your friends and family?
3. Boosts energy

The natural, long-lasting energy boost provided by matcha green tea powder is a wonderful side effect that many will love. When matcha green tea powder is ingested instead of coffee, the body processes caffeine differently. Natural tea’s caffeine is gradually absorbed and released over the course of 6 to 8 hours. Unlike coffee, which may provide a temporary energy spike followed by a slump and “jitters,” matcha provides a steady energy boost that lasts longer. Consuming matcha will simultaneously energize, concentrate, and calm you. This is especially great if you’re an anxious person.
4. Filled with L-theanine
As with L-glutamate and L-glutamine, theanine is an essential amino acid present in high concentrations in several plants. Numerous studies have demonstrated that theanine helps persons with ADHD sleep better, increases the production of alpha waves, and reduces stress. Theanine consumption has been associated with increased levels of the neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine, and GABA in the brain, which may improve certain memory and learning activities. The combination of theanine and caffeine improves phrase verification accuracy, basic reaction time, and working memory response times. It is great for students who have to study for an exam.
5. Great for respiratory reasons + women’s health

Matcha also contains theophylline, a mild stimulant that promotes bronchial tube dilatation.
Theophylline is a component of both over-the-counter and prescription asthma medications.
Any hot beverage’s heat and steam also make it easier for people with congestion to breathe.
L-Theanine, which matcha contains, helps to lessen the pain of menstrual cramps.
It’s possible that the anti-inflammatory effects of EGCG will lessen your body’s aches and pains.
In a study of 1152 women, drinking three to five cups of green tea per day decreased the chance of mild menstrual cramps by 51% and the risk of moderate-to-severe cramps by 61%.
6. Can prevent Alzheimer’s and dementia
The matcha green tea powder is rich in the antioxidant epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). Research on the health benefits of matcha green tea powder has demonstrated that EGCG helps Alzheimer’s patients reverse memory loss caused by plaque deposition. Matcha tea is created from a fine powder of the entire tea leaf, as opposed to the tea leaves used in tea bags, which are simply steeped in water. In fact, this is the source of the majority of matcha’s health benefits. Once the powder has been dissolved in warm water, the entire leaf should be taken and chewed. This permits matcha consumers to absorb far higher EGCG levels.
7. Can help your heart health

Globally (and primarily in the United States), cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of mortality, accounting for over one-third of all deaths in adults over the age of 35. Numerous studies have connected green tea, which shares numerous components with matcha, to a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. According to research, drinking green tea can reduce blood levels of triglycerides, total cholesterol, and “bad” LDL cholesterol. In addition, it may reduce the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, another element that may protect against cardiovascular disease. Additionally, observational studies have demonstrated that green tea consumption is connected with a reduced risk of heart disease and stroke. Matcha may support cardiovascular health and disease prevention when incorporated into a healthy diet and active lifestyle.