Have you ever tried to quit a drug or alcohol addiction? If so, you might have found a difficult process that left you with more cravings for the substance than under complete sobriety. It is because habits are all about cravings for something that makes us feel better, and when the addictive substance is no longer available, we have no other way of feeling better.
With prescription drugs becoming more popular, people turn to other substances for a temporary escape from reality. Kratom is that substance that many are trying as an alternative. And it also seems to be working for most people.
The growing problem of addiction has caused enormous consequences, with many deciding to help themselves through kratom. People used to search for “best kratom near me” but now it could be easily ordered online. You can simply order from one of the leading online stores like “www.konakratom.com”
Kratom is a botanical substance that originates from the leaves of Mitragyna speciosa trees – a type of tree native to Southeast Asia. Kratom produces euphoria like drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, and amphetamines but without the adverse side effects. It is a safe alternative for people struggling with addiction.
It has been used for centuries as an herbal remedy. Still, with the availability of the internet and its rise in popularity, many people are trying to use kratom for things such as addiction recovery – can kratom help?
In this article, you will learn whether or not kratom would work in addiction recovery?
What Is Kratom?

Kratom is an herbal drug that originates from the leaves of Mitragyna speciosa, a tree native to Southeast Asia. Many people have used it in traditional medicine for thousands of years in Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia for its stimulant effects.
These leaves are traditionally brewed into a tea or crushed and mixed with water to get consumed for stimulating properties. Kratom contains the alkaloid 7-hydroxy mitragynine, which has opioid effects on the brain. Opioids are drugs that produce feelings of euphoria and pain relief by binding to receptors in the brain’s reward pathways.
And mitragynine is a naturally occurring opioid agonist which acts on mu opiate receptors. The leaf gets ground up into an extract; people use it as a tea or pill to help manage pain, depression, anxiety, and an opiate replacement for addicts.
It works as a biological treatment of addiction to opioids. It works with these alkaloids to suppress the opiate receptors in the brain, thus decreasing or eliminating the need for opiates. Its biggest problem is that it is illegal in many countries, including Canada. So you won’t find it in many rehabilitation centers, like the eminent Toronto alcohol rehab centers. Indeed, if you like alternative treatment methods and do not have a strong physical dependence that needs a specialist, Kratom is a good option.”
There are different forms of kratom, but the most common one is the white or green leaves that you can buy in various pharmacies and tea in some shops. Its effects are similar to those produced by opiate drugs, like heroin or morphine, only without being so intense.
The Growing Problem Of Addiction In People

The term addiction is often confused with a much more severe condition. Addiction is the consumption of an addictive substance, such as alcohol, cocaine, or heroin.
Addiction can also describe an obsession that drives behaviors such as gambling, shopping, and sexual activity. The most severe form of addiction occurs in those who consume mind-altering substances like heroin and cocaine.
The addiction can have both psychological and physiological effects on the user. Some long-term users report withdrawal symptoms after their first time off the drug, but most become addicted via repeated use of the substance.
However this growing problem of addiction in people has been with us for a long time, but it is not as big a problem currently. The drugs of choice causing this problem, such as opiates and alcohol. They were around even before the development of modern medicine.
Since there are several problems with addressing the issue of opiate addiction, the most critical problem is that it is an issue of public health. But with kratom, we can address this; It is a natural opiate alternative. It gets used as an alternative to opioid pain medications and has even been studied to wean addicts off prescription painkillers. Let’s read in detail in the next section.
Kratom Would Work In Addiction Recovery: Really?

Yes, it would, naturally and safely. Kratom helps people with chronic pain and other disorders. Thus, people can use kratom by taking it in a tea or powder form to help with the symptoms of opiate addiction. Some users even describe using kratom to relieve withdrawal symptoms from opiate addiction.
Many people use kratom instead of prescription drugs because it’s more affordable, readily available, and doesn’t have the same side effects. This kratom’s effects can vary depending on how much the herb gets consumed. And also on how it’s mixed with other herbs.
Kratom leaves contain alkaloids similar to opiates and produce opioid effects by attaching to opioid receptors in the brain and spinal cord.
While it doesn’t seem like an obvious choice for recovering opiate users, it might help with withdrawal symptoms such as muscle pain, constipation, and increased appetite.
When you are in physical pain, like when you are hungover, or your body hurts due to injuries or illness, your brain releases chemicals that help soothe and heal the injury or disease. It works by mimicking the brain chemical associated with pleasure, dopamine. It is also a painkiller, appetite stimulant, and euphoric herb.
When you take kratom, these chemicals get released in the brain, mimicking natural endorphins. Endorphins are “natural morphine” because they make us feel happy.
Also, the most common way that kratom gets taken is by chewing crushed leaves or mixing them with coconut milk, but some people choose to drink the tea itself without any additives.

There is no doubt that kratom would be a helpful supplement in addiction recovery. Many users who have reported the success of kratom in their treatment plans express this drug’s effectiveness.
Kratom, or mitragyna speciosa, contains naturally occurring alkaloids found to work as opioid receptor antagonists. They can help regulate mood and pain relief and reduce cravings for addictive substances such as alcohol and opioids.To know about how to take powder kratom you should be sure about its dosage.
This kratom herb has been used for centuries in Southeast Asia to wean people off opioids and alcohol. It is a safe, legal alternative to prescription drugs, like methadone or Suboxone. There are many benefits of the plant kratom, but there is one that makes it perfect for addiction recovery: easy detoxification. And because the plant is so safe, it’s also a good option if you’re worried about relapse.
However, it is also vital to keep in mind that the benefits of kratom are not just limited to addiction treatment – it has many positive effects on mood and anxiety.