Did you know approximately 2.9 million rat pest cases are registered each year worldwide?
Rats are common intruders observed in a household. Infecting lakhs each year, rats are not only bearers of several infectious ailments but also are incredibly destructive by causing structural damage, chewing through wires causing fire hazards, and being obnoxiously noisy, making it difficult to rest in the house.
Such pest situations should be immediately dealt with by pest control services like Rodent Control Los Angeles before the health of occupants is compromised and irreplaceable and expensive damage occurs. The services you find here are rodent proofing, attic cleaning, and other related insulation services.
Rats are versatile and omnivorous, and despite the common myth, luring these rodents by baiting on their appetites does not provide the desired solutions. Here is a comprehensive guide that will help you understand their behaviors and some effective tips to control rats infestation easily.
Why Is It Difficult To Get Rid Of Rats?
Rats thrive most in human dwellings, and being scavengers, they can derive nourishment from human settlements. Rats are extremely adaptable, allowing them to survive even dire situations.
If you observe signs like property damage, including the destruction of insulation, wooden products, chewing marks on electrical wires, a distinctive ammonia smell, and squeaking and scratching noises, especially in the dark, these signs are strong indications of rat infestation. You will also find rat droppings and greasy smears along the path that they commonly use around the house. You might also observe rats’ infestation increasing during winter as these rodents prefer a warm environment and human settlements just provide the optimum facilities and convenience.
Tips To Control Rats
The best strategy to control rats is to prevent their entry into the house, but despite taking active measures, if you observe infestation, here are some effective tips to get rid of the rodents fast.
1. Inspection

Conduct a thorough inspection of the house to understand the common path taken by the rodents around your house. Look for the access points to your house, i.e., cracked garage doors, walls, or vents in the foundation. Rats are extremely agile, so small spaces are quite convenient for them to enter the house; therefore, seal the gaps with metal kick plates, wire wool, or cement to stop the access points.
2. Reducing Clutter
One of the main reasons for rats to barge into human settlements is the availability of hiding places; therefore, one of the best tips to eliminate rats from your house is eliminating clutter and removing their hiding places. Trash should be kept inside closed bins, and storage rooms should be cleaned periodically to remove the unnecessary accumulation.
3. Trapping And Elimination

Trapping is another method that works best for controlling rats. This method does not require poison and can provide desired results by positioning the trap in high-activity areas. You can use unsalted seeds, peanut butter, or small fruit pieces as bait. You can also use a dry ice method which produces carbon dioxide to anesthetize rats. Keep the dry ice at the entrance of rat burrows and use protective gear while using dry ice, as it can be corrosive to the skin.
You can increase natural predators of rats to eradicate rats from the perimeters of your house. Owls and other birds of prey consumed rats as their food source. You can build a suitable habitat by adding a water source to lure these birds. Keeping house cats can also deter rats from infesting the house for a long period of time.
4. Natural Remedies
Using ingredients like cayenne pepper, black pepper, peppermint oil, and cloves can be effectively used to prevent the entry of these rodents inside a home by irritating their airways and noses and discouraging their inhibition inside the house.
Other effective natural remedies you can use to deter rat infestation are as follows.
- Mothballs can be poisonous for humans to handle, but one of the surest ways to kill rats
- Make a DIY solution of 2 tbsp of detergent, one-quarter cup of water, and two cups of ammonia and place it in the path frequented by the rodents
- Cotton balls dipped in peppermint oil can be placed around the house to deter rats. Castor oil or citronella can be used instead as well.
- You can mix cocoa powder and plaster of paris and keep them in the places infested by rodents, their hiding places, and entranceways. Rats will eat the mix, and it will make them feel dehydrated. Make sure to keep any water sources out of their reach. They will eventually leave the house due to dehydration.
- You can also use ultrasonic sounds to keep rat infections at bay, as these sounds hurt their ear and will likely keep them away.
5. Using Poison
Rodenticides can become effective if a large rat infestation has taken place. This process includes seeds, nuts, and grains slathered in poison that is lethal to the animal causing poisonous aftermaths. Other methods can include using tracking powder and fumigation. Tracking powder like DITRAC sticks to the paws and furs of rodents, killing the rats in the process. Fumigation is another quick and effective method to kill rodents.
6. Prevention

To prevent the entry of rats inside the house, keep your lawn trimmed and garden clean. Clean debris piles by removing old appliances and cardboard boxes, and leave piles to prevent sheltering of rats. Removing potential food sources for rats is recommended as well. Rats love snails; therefore, take extra precautions to remove snails around your house.
Bottom Line
Rats can be a difficult intruder to tackle, but with proper measures, they can be eradicated as well. Once the rat infestation has been cleared, it is essential to clean the space thoroughly. You can use disinfectants to remove facial matter and urine from the place.
While infestation in small scale can be easily removed with the help of natural remedies, seeking professional assistance is always recommended. You can search through different businesses in your area, check the treatment methods used and scour through the packages available to select the best services according to your needs.