Hoisting the flag outside your home, store or any warehouse is your personal choice. Usually, it shows patriotism but some people also use the flag of the party they support. The reasons vary from region to region and country to country. The intention is something not everyone knows because it resides in our hearts.
Despite the differences, there is something common among everyone, quality and looks. Even with things like a flag, there are so many choices available in the market. People look for the quality of the fabric, its feel, and of course, its durability.
In addition to this, the seller must be someone you can trust. The sellers who trust their products will also give a guarantee for it. Therefore, you should ask for that. Although there are many choices in the market, if you are searching for online flag stores be sure to visit heartlandflags.com and buy the flag of your choice.
They have a variety of flags and other products that include house banners and outdoor flags of nylon, poly extra reinforced material and nylon with embroidery flags. In addition to this, you can also get the garden flag too.
But wait,
How will you choose the one that is right for the outdoors?
This is how:
1 – Printed flags

One type of flag that you will see in the market is the one that is printed on a cloth. Both sides of the cloth are printed equally. Furthermore, the fabric is usually thin and lightweight. It won’t be wrong to call it the cheapest quality available.
So is it okay to buy them?
You will find some qualities in these too. So check the flag before buying it.
But whether you should buy it or not depends on your requirements. If you need the flag for a very brief time like a day or two, then this type is the best option. You won’t need to spend too much money for just a day of work.
These flags are not best for long-term use because there is only ink on the fabric. This will fade away in no time because of the strong sunlight.
2 – Completely sewn
In completely sewn flags, pieces of colors and sewn together. For example, there will be red and white fabric pieces and the blue one with stars embroidered on it. All these pieces are stitched together.
These are of good quality because it requires labor. This added labor and time makes the price high. So if you are planning to buy sewn flags, you need to pay some extra price for them.

So whether you should buy it or not?
Buying sewn flags is always a good choice. If you need it for short-term use, you can hoist it for that time and fold it up and store it. Similarly, if you need it for long-term use, it will be worth the price. Because of the quality fabric and stitching, the flag can withstand weather changes. It can withstand rain, snowfall, strong winds and gusts, and even sunlight.
So overall, it would be a good purchase. So if you do not mind the price tag, you should give it a try.
3 – Nylon
Nylon is a synthetic material that becomes a fabric after several processes. This material has been widely in use and even in clothes. At first, stockings for women were made from it. Later on, because of its exceptional strength, it was used for various other purposes. So now we find it in leggings, activewear, and even in flags.
So are nylon flags good?
They are not only good but are the best ones and the most popular ones that you will find. The reasons include;
- It is stronger than other fabrics
2. Very lightweight

3. It dries very quickly
4. Resistant to heat and cold
5. Additives make it resistant to UV radiation
6. Highly tough and cannot tear easily
7. Has high elasticity
8. Washable
9. Has a very low carbon footprint
10. Inexpensive
Because of all these benefits, nylon flags are highly popular. They are lightweight and therefore, can easily fly even with a slight breeze. Furthermore, they last for a long time because of their extensive durability and resistance to weather changes. So the color won’t fade away, the fabric won’t tear apart and even with heavy rainfall, it will dry quickly.
Furthermore, because of its long life, you won’t need any flags. This one will be used for a long time. This will reduce the carbon footprint. So if you are an environmental conservationist, you will love this one.
Thus, it will be a very good investment. The best thing is that they are not very expensive. So, in short, you won’t pay too much money and can use it for a really long time.
4 – Polyester

There is another category that you will find in the market. It is polyester, which is a petroleum-based product. Or you can also call it a type of plastic.
So it will offer a very long time. The qualities that make it suitable for flags include;
- It is stronger and tougher
- Has very low water absorption
- Resistant to heat and cold
- Resistant to UV rays
- No stains
- Easy to dye
- Difficult to tear apart
- Necessary elasticity and thus retains its shape
- No wrinkles
- Easy to wash
These are all the qualities that you would need for a flag. Therefore, polyester is also used in making flags for commercial purposes.
Final words

So which one is best for you? You need to make this decision. However, in terms of long-term use, weather resistance, durability, and price, Nylon is the best choice. Polyester is a bit heavier therefore, it won’t fly easily. Moreover, it is a bit expensive. Therefore, nylon has an edge over all other options.