People now have lots of possibilities to experience different situations and to enhance this experience according to their desire and ability. The same thing touches upon the adult issues that develop more and more rapidly nowadays. One of the ways to spice things up is using VR technologies for an entirely various range of things. But let’s look closer.
VR Definition and How It Works
Virtual reality, or VR, is a technology that offers its users a chance to experience the interaction with virtual space and objects. One thing that makes it totally different from Augmented Reality is the absolutely artificial nature of everything a user can interact with within this space. It means that no matter what a user does while using some VR environment, it does not impact real-world objects. We can conceive the experience as the one resembling the real-world quality of all the sensations thanks to the technologies provided with special sensors and construction peculiarities:
- Virtual Reality made it possible to have such an experience using the technology that deludes our sense of sight. Instead of looking at one single picture on the screen before our eyes, we conceive the picture doubled for each eye separately. It is very similar to how your eyes work, so the brain treats the picture as natural. That’s why we need headsets and that’s why the picture with a good graphic quality seems so real.
- The special sound setting makes it feel as if a place existed. The sound depth and extensionality in combination with the good quality earphones give the impression of a particularly accurate representation of how it would sound if you were there.
- To make the immersion even greater, there exists an opportunity to use the special gloves that transfer the information about the movements of your hands. And they make it possible to have the tactile experience as feedback for those movements. Pretty interesting for use in the adult industry, isn’t it?
Thus, VR technology provides users with the possibility of approaching the virtual experience closer to the real feelings and boosts phenomenally the whole industry.
Virtual Reality is Quickly Becoming the Industry Standard

Virtual Reality is one of (if not the) fastest growing sectors of the entertainment industry. Every major movie and game studio as well as numerous online companies like Microsoft, Google and Facebook are developing VR content, hardware, and various other types of software. The competition for users is getting more and more intense as companies rush to develop not just entertainment content, but training and communications software. One sector of the tech industry that is taking full advantage of VR is the adult industry. VR cam porn is quickly revolutionizing the adult entertainment industry and can take your enjoyment and sexual wellness to a whole new level!
VR is Revolutionizing the Cam Porn Industry
The adult industry has long been a pioneer when it comes to technology. They helped improve and bring video streaming to the masses, they were among the first to have sites that had paywalls in front of their content and they were one of the first to embrace affiliate marketing. Because of this, it is no surprise that the adult world is on the cutting edge of virtual reality.
The combination of adult content and virtual reality has proven to be very impressive as far as how fast they have developed and deployed new technologies and adapted their content shooting to work better in VR. Cam models chatting and performing on live streams is nothing new and now with sites like Twitch and YouTube, camming in the mainstream is taking off and becoming a huge business. Bringing VR to the cam world is a game-changer. It allows you to experience the excitement of live entertainment while being fully immersed in the scene so you feel like you are right there taking part.
As the technology continues to improve, more and more content creators are starting to focus their energy on virtual reality. VR videos can be a very impressive experience, allowing you to block out everything other than the video you are watching. Now imagine you are chatting one-on-one with a cam model but you are in virtual reality. You can now look around her room or studio, check the model out from many different angles, and choose where and what you want to focus on. You can ask the model to do something and experience it in VR in real-time.
As more and more adult production companies are creating VR content, sites like SexLikeReal have emerged to be a curator of sorts. SLR works with the top producers from around the world to gather the best adult VR content you can find anywhere. They do the hard work of finding and organizing the content, your only job is to enjoy it.
The Future of VR in Adult and Mainstream

As mainstream companies continue to develop hardware and software for VR, its uses have grown exponentially. What was once something thought to be just for entertainment is now being used to train a variety of workers/people ranging from medical professionals to engineers, and soldiers all around the world. VR allows for hands-on training and instruction from anywhere. In addition, there are numerous video games and different types of controllers being developed. Those controllers offer real-time feedback vibration and allow for a greater level of interaction. In the adult world, hardware is being developed that will allow you to connect various sex toys to the VR streamers. These toys will move, vibrate, or otherwise act on cues from the movie or performer. Not only will you be able to see and interact with cam models, but you will also be able to feel them as well.
Virtual Reality is still in its infant stage. As it continues to grow and be embraced by more people and companies, the possibilities of how it could change and improve our lives and sexual wellness are endless.